dressed up for the letdown

stereoarcade's Profile Page

Saturday, December 27, 2008



1. Party At The Moon Tower (0:00)
2. It's Not A Tumor (0:36)
3. I'm Scared, Tony (1:48)
4. As Much As An Owl Is Anyone's (2:17)
5. Do You Like Air? I Mean, Do You Breathe? (4:10)
6. I'm Asking You That! (5:52)
7. At Hello (6:20)
8. Are All Nerds As Good As You? (7:11)
9. You Gotta Do The Truffle Shuffle (8:45)
10. Goodnight Benjamin (Goodnight Daisy) (9:57)
11. Super Perfundo On The Early Eve Of Your Day (10:40)
12. It's Gonna Be Gone Soon (10:55)
13. When We're Both Cats (11:38)
14. That's Not My Scarecrow (12:21)
15. The Kids Fucking Love DCM Transit (13:19)