dressed up for the letdown

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jon Brion.

First of all: sorry shit's taking forever.

Now that we're done with that, let's speak about Jon Brion. Chances are if you're one of my friends you already know who he is. Or you know, but you don't. He's a film composer, the twin Elliott Smith never had (both vocally and musically), and one of the most underrated unknown musicians working today. He has a weekly live show at Largo in Los Angeles where he regularly crafts songs on the spot. He has composed music for Eternal Sunshine, Punch Drunk Love, I Heart Huckabees, Magnolia, and Synecdoche New York. He produced Fiona Apple's When The Pawn, the unreleased (far superior) version of her Extraordinary Machine album, and produced all of Aimee Mann's songs for the Magnolia soundtrack. He is probably my favorite musician living today (eclipsed only by Bjork), mostly because of how consumed by music he is.

Watch him play "I Fall In Love Too Easily." Most piano players I've become accustomed to usually sit still, but the music practically courses from Jon's soul, through his body, and out his fingers. He couldn't sit still if you tied him down. The man has too much music to get out.

Jon Brion - I Fall In Love Too Easily

It's a shame he doesn't have a record deal of his own, or that he hasn't released an album since 2001's Meaningless. Here's a couple more videos. The first is Jon Brion impersonating Tom Waits covering Radiohead's 'Creep.' The second is Jon Brion's video for "Knock Yourself Out". Enjoy!

Jon Brion - As Tom Waits Performing Creep

Jon Brion - Knock Yourself Out


LAudaP said...

DUDE. that tom waits creep video is one of my favorite things on video. ever. i didn't know it was JB, tho!!!

LAudaP said...

STATUS UPDATE: currently downloading entire Slayer discography. ETA: 2 years, 44 weeks.

I'm not joking.

nathalie* said...

I don't wait by the phone like I used to
I don't hope for kind words you might say
You don't prey on my mind like you used to
But you can still ruin my day
You can still ruin my day
--Jon Brion

Love it!!